Friday, 27 October 2017

My weekly plenary

This week I finished my weekly plenary and I had to write about what i struggled with in writing, reading and maths. I think I found maths the hardest but it was fun as well

Wednesday, 25 October 2017

Making scones

Today we had to make scones in teachnology it was quiet challenging but it was also fun at the same time. I thing the hardest part was following the recipe

Friday, 20 October 2017

Jean batten

This week each reading group got given a famous new Zealander. Our famous NZ person was Jean batten a New Zealand aviator and flyer. I think the hardest part about Jean batten was what happened to her and her plane.

My weekly plenary

This week we had to complete a page with how well we worked throughout the week and what we worked on throughout the week. I think this week I worked very well but i struggled with getting my work done in the time we were given.